Kenneth Wieland, CRMP
Reverse Mortgage Adviser
Tellico Village Resident
Meet Ken Wieland
Ken was raised in Gatlinburg, Tn in the 1960’s. He learned to fly at 16 years old and achieved all licenses and ratings to Captain a commercial airliner by the early 70’s. He continued corporate flying which led him to the Department of Justice, US Marshal Service. In the late 70’s Ken was hired by Piedmont Airlines and after many years and mergers retired with American Airlines. While flying he acquired properties which now led him into the banking world where he learned of Reverse Mortgages geared for retirees. He quickly excelled with Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) which it came to be known by obtaining the designation of CRMP. Certified Reverse Mortgage Specialist which is earned through the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association. Less than 200 people nationwide hold this prestigious designation. Ken is a 25 year resident of Tellico Village in Loudon County and he enjoys working with local customers.